SimpleCV: a kinder, gentler machine vision library

a kinder, gentler machine vision python library

SimpleCV is an interface for Open Source machine vision libraries in Python. It provides a consise, readable interface for cameras, image manipulation, feature extraction, and format conversion. Our mission is to give casual users a comprehensive interface for basic machine vision functions and an elegant programming interface for advanced users.

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We like SimpleCV because:

  • Even beginning programmers can write simple machine vision tests
  • Cameras, video files, images, and video streams are all interoperable
  • Information on image features can be extracted, sorted and filtered easily
  • Manipulations are fast, with easy to remember names
  • Linear algebra is strictly optional

Here is the simplecv “hello world”:

import SimpleCV

c = SimpleCV.Camera()

For more code snippets, look at the cookbook, or the example scripts.


You will absolutely need:

Once you have all the required libraries installed:

easy_install simplecv

If you need more help, look at the [installation docs](

Required Libraries

Indices and tables

Project Versions

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